Scott Svennes

Scott Svennes

$780.00 raised

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About This Project

I work in the short term department called Serve Asia. Our aim is to be a missions discipleship program in which we walk along side participants who will serve in SE Asia from 1 week to 1 year. We walk along side them in prayer, training, logistics, support, mentoring, debrief of the experience and followup. Our prayer is that this will not be just "a mission trip" but something that will tweek the lens of their world view to see the bigger picture that each of us get the honor to play in God's revelation of Himself to the nations. While serving in Asia the participant's are part of OMF long term field strategy through prayer journeys, teaching among unreached people groups, helping with a variety of camps, sports, church planting, and so many more life changing placements. It is also unique that it makes an impact at home through follow up and integrating this experience into life where ever it may take them. There are participants who have went to intentionally live the gospel in places they would never choose to live in the states, and participants that have went on to serve long term all over the world, and of course in SE Asia! There are participants who go on to study the bible in seminary, start to see outreach opportunities in their communities, and of course there are many that go back into their lives of retirement, 9-5 jobs or what have you but with a changed world view. This is the best job in the organization and possibly in the world! It is an honor and privilege to serve God through the platform of Serve Asia. Thank you for the prayer and support that enables our family this privilege.

With love,
Svennes family

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OMF (U.S.)

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    10 W Dry Creek Circle
    Littleton, CO 80120

  • Phone 800.422.5330

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