After 12 years of praying and trying, I returned to Japan the
summer of 2016. Since then, I finished two terms with OMF Japan.
I am currently on HA (home assignment) in the US through March of
2024, hoping to return to Japan again after that. This page
allows you to sign-up to pray or financially supporting the work
God is doing in Japan with OMF and myself. Current donations
support both my time in the States on HA as well as my
preparation to return to the field.
The work God has down over the past 12 years and continues to do
was and is only possible thru your prayers and support, so thank
you for considering to pray for me and/or support me financially.
You are a blessing to both me and the people of Japan. Thank you
for visiting this page and I pray God guides you in your decision
to become a Prayer Warrior or Financial Supporter for God's Work
in Japan. I look forward to connecting with you and journeying
alongside you if you do decide to join me on this mission and
call minister to reach the lost and support the saved in
For those who are interested below is more information about my
first two terms with OMF Japan.
My first term was a three-year Associate Term from June 2016-June
2019. My ministry focus was church revitalization, where I helped
revitalize, encourage and support three local Japanese churches
in Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture Japan. I worked with church
members to start and over see cafe, cooking class, craft class,
gospel class, mom&child class and English class outreaches. I
also helped preach, lead adult Bible Studies, oversee the young
adults and college group, co-lead children's church and give the
children's messages during services as well. After my first-term
I had a 8-month HA in the US while I worked on and waited to
transfer from Associate to Member status with OMF. You can see
more about my time and ministry in Aomori through my Facebook
My second term was a four-year Member Term, from March 2020-March
2024. My term started just as COVID-19 was spreading worldwide. I
literally made it to Japan on the last plane out of the US before
airports and borders closed. My ministry focus was two-fold and
multifaceted, as I was placed in a marketplace role and ministry
environment as well as in a local church support role and
ministry context. For my marketplace ministry role I was placed
as the school missionary and one of the Native English teachers
at a Christian Japanese Middle and High School in Hakodate,
Hokkaido. Besides teaching at the school, I oversaw the weekly
English Club (two years) and Women's Christian Club (one year
year) as well as preaching at the daily chapel (2-4 times a
month) and pray for the staff at the morning meeting (3 times a
month). For my church support role I was placed as the missionary
of a local church mainly assisting with college, young adult and
women discipleship and follow-up but also assisted when preaching
as needed by the pastor. You can see more about my time and
ministry in Hakodate through my Facebook Page
The last sixth months of my Member Term, I was moved to Sapporo
City to assist with a Cafe and Church Plant Ministry there as
well as OMF's FmZero college outreach ministry. You can see more
about my time and ministry in Sapporo through my Facebook
My third-term is yet to be decided (possibility, location and
context) but I will post here when it is. For now, I will be
starting a new page in late June, covering my HA and preparations
for next term.

Brittney Carlson
$47,297 raised
This project is no longer accepting donations. Thank you for your support!
- Japan
- OMF (U.S.)
- Worker Support
- Donations to this project are tax-deductible
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OMF (U.S.)

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