Jill Lee

Jill Lee

$41,720 raised

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  • Eastern Asia
  • OMF (U.S.)
  • Worker Support
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About This Project



“你作我的仆人,......... 我还要使你作外邦人的光, 叫你施行我的救恩, 直到地极。” 神用圣经以赛亚49:6, 呼召李嫣如成為跨文化宣教士。1990年放下在美國航空太空總署的工作,全职侍奉,前往泰国宣教二年。1993年回美国接受更多的装备。1995年神学毕业后参加海外基督使团(OMF, 前中国内地会),回到泰國宣教工场拓荒植堂直到现在。在清邁医院和大學等地传福音、设立查经班、作育;創始並與同工建立了兩個泰國教會,就是清邁恩典教会和梅木恩典教会。接著推動清邁恩典教會去建立了三個泰文和一個中文姊妹教會。在這些過程中,已栽培出泰國人和中國人的宣教士,牧師,傳道人,學生工作者,神學院老師,和在各個教會的領袖,去遵行主耶穌的大使命,參與普世宣教。目前在進行三而一的事工,第一:帶領泰國弟兄姊妹,去開荒建立更多的泰語教會(泰國只有0.54%是基督徒。我們仍需努力建立六萬個泰人教會)。第二: 推動清邁恩典教會在本地跨文化植堂,向在清邁泉湧而來的中国人宣教。帶領泰國清邁恩典教會建立有宣教異象的中泰文教會,一起再向泰國人,華人及全世界的未得之傳福音。第三:與衆宣教人士,教會及機構連結,一起訓練出許多華人與泰人跨文化宣教士。

Introduction of Missionary Jill Lee

Jill received her Missionary calling through the Bible verse: “It is too small a thing for you to be my servant……… I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.” (Isaiah 49:6 NIV)

Jill resigned from NASA in 1990 to go into full-time ministry in Thailand as a missionary apprentice for two years.  She returned to US for further training in 1993.  After graduation from San Jose Bible School, she joined OMF International in 1995, and went as a Missionary to Thailand.

After receiving language/cultural learning and working with a senior missionary and local churches in Central Thailand; in 1997, she became the first OMF missionary designated to pioneer church planting among the Thais in Northern Thailand. Started from scratch alone and later with the coming of OMF missionaries, they planted two Thai Churches – Chiang Mai Grace Church and Maemo Grace Church. Subsequently, Jill helped Chiang Mai Grace Church to plant three Thai sister churches in Chiangmai province. She also co-founded another Chinese church in Chiangmai, Thailand, with other co-workers.

In the process of church planting, she has been actively involved in personal evangelism at the university and hospital in Chiang Mai. For the past 24 years , her home in Chiangmai always open for hospitality, student and adults Bible study groups and disciple training.   Those Thai disciples has called to be Missionaries, pastors, student workers, seminary teachers, church leaders through out Thailand and overseas.

Since 2015, there are thousands of mainland Chinese (RPC) coming to Thailand especially to Chiangmai.  There” have been opportunities to reach out to University students from China, young international students and their parents, and also other Mainland Chinese in Chiang Mai.  She actively helps the Thai churches to reach out in missions to other people groups starting with mainland Chinese in Thailand. 

Her passion in training of the Thai and Chinese for cross-cultural mission work is a response to the Great Commission from our Lord Jesus Christ.

It is her prayer that more Thailand churches can be involved in cross-cultural mission to the many Chinese nationals  coming to Chiang Mai.  There is a inter-related 3 in 1 plan:  (i) to lead fellow Christians in Thailand to plant more mission- minded Thai churches (only 0.54% of the Thai population are Christians, much work remains to be done towards achieving the target of establishing 60,000 Thai churches); (ii) with Thai churches to plant Chinese churches in Chiang Mai cross culturally, (iii) Nurturing/training of more Thai and Chinese cross-cultural  missionaries. Networking/Partner with Christians/Organizations who has the same vision to achieve this goal.

Jill Lee c/o Lilian Yuan

22330 Homestead Road, #115,Cupertino, CA 95014-0133
Thai Home/cell Phone: 66-53216614/66-956750300, US Cell: 6508043216

Skype: jilllee Email: blessingsjill@gmail.com


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    Littleton, CO 80120

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