Putao Lin & Kat Tang (林鉅峰 & 唐德怡)

Putao Lin & Kat Tang (林鉅峰 & 唐德怡)

How You Can Help

Give a One-Time gift

Give a One-Time gift

A One-Time gift means that this donation will be spread over the length of their service term (5 years). For example, if you give a one-time gift of $100, that means each year you are giving $20.
"一次的奉獻" 就是它所講的... 一次的奉獻分給一整個任期 (5年)。 這就是說如果您奉獻了$100的 "one time" (一次奉獻) donation, OMF會把它分成5年來算﹐就代表在我們的任期裡, 您每年奉獻 $20。

Give a Monthly (Recurring) Gift

Give a Monthly (Recurring) Gift

This is the preferred method of donation partnership. A Monthly gift means that you are committing to partner with us on a monthly basis. With this option, you can choose to directly withdraw from a credit card or bank account, that way you won't have to remember to donate each month.
這是建議的財務夥伴方式。"每月一次奉獻" 就是指您承諾透過每個月一次的奉獻來與我們同工。 OMF會等待收到您在這個任期中的每個月的奉獻。這個選項可以透過信用卡或者銀行裡自動扣,這樣您就不會忘記每個月去辦了。

Join Their Prayer Team (without giving)

Join Their Prayer Team (without giving)

Note, you do NOT need to select this if you have already given
