Returnee Focus, Chicago, USA
Serving International Students
I serve international students at Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), both on IIT's main campus and downtown campus (law and business school). I partner together with another OMF colleague as well as a Bridges International team. We engage students through a variety of activities, to help meet practical needs, provide fellowship, engage in spiritual conversations, and host Bible studies. We seek to meet students where they are and help them move closer to Jesus, whether that is through gaining trust, introducing them to Jesus through His word, helping believing students learn to share their faith, or preparing those about to return to their countries to stand firm and grow in their home communities.
Chicago each year has about 20,000 international students, and the top two sending countries are China and India. What an opportunity we have to share Christ freely with students who would have limited opportunity to hear about Him in their home country (where Christian workers struggle to gain access)! Our vision is to meet students where they are and help them move closer to Jesus.