Linda Gibbs

Linda Gibbs

  • United States
  • OMF (U.S.)
  • Supported Staff
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

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Ministry update December 2024

December 31, 2024

December 2024 Update

About This Project

Where is the hope?

Those words from my Asian friend still echo in my heart, “Where is the hope? We have no hope,” she cried. I told her about the only true hope, Jesus.

Traveling in Asia, I saw and heard hopelessness first hand and cried out to God, What can I do

I can’t know this and not do something about it.

I became a Christian at a young age and don’t remember not being a Christian What I do remember is a life of learning to be more surrendered and obedient to God. I yearned to do more for God, but didn’t see how. Little did I know over three decades, God was preparing me for a new era with Him in missions.

God’s story is a missional pursuit borne on love to reconcile the lost and unreached to himself through Jesus. God has placed me in His story through OMF ministry helping bring the hope of the gospel as part of the Mobilization team. God calls us all to be on mission right where we are. And some He calls to more. I would love to share the calling, preparation and pursuit of bringing the hope of Jesus in all His fullness to the lost.

God called me as the Equipping Director on the US Mobilization team. We have the privilege to walk with people who are hearing and exploring God call them to a life of missions. We receive 25-40 inquiries on a monthly basis. Each one is prayed for, connected with and when ready matched with a coach who helps them discern how God has called them. We help them find their role in missions and prepare to thrive on the field. Through the grace of God I coach and lead this team ministry while believing for more people to answer the call. I pray for the next Hudson Taylor who changes a people, a country and the ministry of missions for His glory.

Please pray for those God is calling and for the gospel to be heard and received as we share Jesus with the peoples of East Asia.

For Him,

Linda Gibbs

Project Owner

OMF (U.S.)

  • Website
  • Address

    10 W Dry Creek Circle
    Littleton, CO 80120

  • Phone 800.422.5330

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