Phil & Julie Hoshiwara

Phil & Julie Hoshiwara

  • Thailand
  • OMF (U.S.)
  • Worker Support
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

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August 2019 Newsletter

August 2, 2019

Dear family and friends,

Saying Goodbye

Leaving was not easy. There were painful goodbyes, lots of mixed emotions, and all the busyness of preparing to move across the world. We wish we could have slowed down time to see so many of you one last time before boarding the plane. We have felt loved and supported by you these last few months. That—along with the conviction that the fields of Thailand need more laborers and that God is pleased that we go—has made leaving less difficult.

Orientation in Singapore

But we are not in Thailand yet! We are writing this letter from Singapore, where we are wrapping up our final week of orientation. We are together with some 20 other new missionaries who have challenged us by their sacrificial examples.

One person who has given up a career as a doctor to serve in Taiwan despite being disowned by her father for doing so…

A Korean family moving to a country that has historically been hostile towards their home country, and who will likely be looked down upon by the people they are serving…

Many are moving into countries where there is a very real threat of persecution from the government for sharing the gospel…

These sacrifices are a response to the One who sacrificed all for us. Hudson Taylor said,

“If I had a thousand pounds China should have it- if I had a thousand lives, China should have them. No! Not China, but Christ. Can we do too much for Him? Can we do enough for such a precious Saviour?”

New missionaries and instructors from our orientation!

Meet the Gomides, a Brazilian family from our orientation course. They are heading to Thailand too!

On to Thailand!

Tomorrow we leave for Thailand to begin our year of language study in Lopburi. We plan to share some of our life and ministry in Lopburi through social media. Be looking for an invite from our Facebook ministry group, and feel free to follow us on Instagram at “thehoshiwarasinthailand”.

Finally, our new mailing address in Lopburi is:

Phil and Julie Hoshiwara
c/o Mark Bak, 67 Soi Naresuan 3 
Tambon Thalechupsorn, Amphur Muang, 
Lopburi 15000, Thailand. 

We love and miss you all. 

The Hoshiwaras

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