OMF International (formerly China Inland Mission - CIM)
海外基督使团 (前 内地会)
Chinese Diaspora Returnee Ministries
Today, God is bringing many Chinese to the U.S. In
conjunction with Chinese churches, we aim to reach Chinese for
Christ in the U.S. and to see them discipled and prepared to
return to their home countries with the hope of Christ. We
ultimately desire to see them sharing the gospel with and making
disciples of their own people and others.
Acts 17:26-27a (ESV) And He made from one man every nation …
having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their
dwelling place that they should seek God …
使徒行传17:26a, 27a(新译本)他从一个本源造出了万族来。。。并且定了他们的期限和居住的疆界,要他们寻求 神…
Pray that our ministry and our family will reveal God’s glory,
please God, and be used by God to bear good fruit for Christ’s
The "Bank to Bank (ACH) Transfer" is now the preferred contribution method. Even with the 0.6% fee, it is still the most cost-effective method. It also gives you, the partner more control. It takes one extra step to confirm your bank account but after that, you can make changes through the Partner Hub website.
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