Hello everyone! I have the wonderful opportunity to partner with OMF to serve in Thailand this summer. I will be working with MK's (Missionary Kids) and TCK's (Third Culture Kid) in hopes to build relationships that will continue past the summer. These students will be mostly middle schoolers and highschoolers transitioning back to their home country. This is a new project with the vision to build a global community that is not restricted by the boundaries of borders. OMF plans to have this retreat for students every year and I get to be a part of the first team to start this mission! I get to go as a counselor/mentor to these students and pour into them what I have learned.
I too was an MK and a TCK myself growing up. I was born in India and moved to Thailand as my parents were called to the missions. I quickly lost my identity of being from India as I forgot the language and would only visit for two months every four years. I did not relate to the culture or people. I did, though, relate to Thai culture and people more as I spend most of my years there. But as much as I loved Thailand, I was not Thai. When I graduated I continued my studies in the United States. This was a big culture shock for me and I struggled to settle down. Even though I spoke English, it took me over a year to come to peace in my new setting. That struggle really challenged me in many ways. It was the topic of most of my university papers...what is my identity? I came to realize that my identity is in God. He is unchanging and constant. He is where home should always be! That is one of many lessons I have learned through my experience.
Over 50% of students who graduate from Christian schools or environments walk away from the faith! That is a huge mission opportunity in itself. We must focus and encourage the next generation as they will be the ones to carry the gospel on. I want to be able to use what God has given me to lead students in walking a life pleasing to the Lord. I was just in their position. I understand the different paths. I want to share my story and mentor those who share my experiences. Our testimonies are God given therefore not our own. We must share our stories to our brothers and sisters in Christ to encourage and teach each other how God works in our lives. This is the Church, God's Church.