• Southeast Asia
  • OMF (U.S.)
  • Worker Support
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

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About This Project

Our family serves among a people group in S.E. Asia that has over 7 million people in it and less then 1% are believers in Christ. Our ministry is highly relational with a "house church" focus. We use an English after school program and Community Health Evangelism as I am a RN to build bridges into communities so that the gospel can be shared. We also build strategic relationships and challenge people to put their faith in Christ.

     As 11% of the population are believers, we also partner with these people groups so that they can reach out to the Shan. We also come along side Shan believers to provide leadership development and discipleship. This has been going on for many years now.  

     Moses, a national in this country, is a natural extrovert, with a gifting in building relationships with people. He grew up in a Christian family. His mother was a strong evangelist.  Moses paid for his younger sister to attend seminary until she received her MTh. Then after she got married, when she was pregnant with her second child, she died giving birth to him and Moses took his nephew home when he was 3 days old. He continued working shipping goods from villages to towns and sharing the gospel in the villages where he worked.  When Moses' nephew was 3 years old, Moses met his wife. It was then that Moses knew it was time to attend seminary to get better equipped to serve as a church planter. On May 2022 Moses graduated with a License in Theology. (4 years)

     Tina, an American, is also an extrovert, with the motivation of finishing to completion. She also grew up in a Christian family and went on her first mission trip when she was 16 with Royal Servants Intl. It was soon after this trip that a missionary visited her church and she felt a strong calling to missions. When she was 22 she went to Bible school through Youth With a Mission and some of the professors there confirmed her calling to missions. She also completed a Biblical Counseling course under YWAM and Perspectives, Systematic Theology, Arcing and Diagramming the Bible and more seminary level courses.  After completing Paramedic school and getting her RN license God confirmed it was time to go to S.E. Asia.  She was part of a church plant that had a vision for planting cell churches across the Twin Cities Metro area and wanted to do the same in S.E. Asia.  After 2 years of language and culture acquisition of the national language, she spent another 2 years learning Shan language and culture. Tina met Moses 4 years after arriving in that country.  


  Psalm 67:3-4, "Let the people praise you O God, Let all the peoples praise you.  O let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the peoples with equity adnd guide the nations of the earth."


Project Owner

OMF (U.S.)

  • Website https://omf.org/us
  • Address

    10 W Dry Creek Circle
    Littleton, CO 80120

  • Phone 800.422.5330

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