Victoria VanAntwerp

Victoria VanAntwerp

$6,230 raised

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My Assignment will be ending July 31st

July 14, 2023

Dear Prayer Partners, 


I wanted to update you all that my Supervisor is leaving OMF July 31st. Please pray that my supervisor Jennifer Tibbetts can finish well and pray that God will find a replacement leader for the International TCK Care Team. Pray that this transition and handoff goes well to whoever takes on her role. Since I was her Admin Assistant my assignment will be coming to a close as well. I will finish my service with OMF on July 31st.  I have a lot of mixed feelings about this of course but I'm forever grateful for the opportunity to work alongside Jennifer for a year and a half & be apart of the Ministry to help children & families THRIVE. I'm eternally grateful for each and everyone of you that have supported me in any way whether financially through prayer or both. It meant so much to me, more than you will ever know. Please be praying for what is next for me because I'm very unsure but I trust that God knows and still has great plans for me whatever that may be. I may be looking into other part time work with OMF but this would be an entirely different role with the U.S. team. Please pray God would guide me and give me clear direction of the path I'm supposed to take. What I'm reminded of often is a quote I got on one of my college graduation cards "As long as we are walking with the Lord we will always be walking in the right direction" 

Please pray I can finish my service well and with a grateful heart. I'm thankful for the opportunity to have served on the TCK Care team and to have been part of something much bigger than myself. I've grown and learned so much that will stay with me no matter where God leads me next. This role gave me a purpose and made me know I was made by God on purpose for a higher calling that aligns with His will. Pray that moving forward I will be a Navigator and not a drifter & that I would trust that God is charting my course in life around my one true soul purpose. Thank you to all of you that have been part of my journey this past year and a  half. Every ending is a new beginning. 

Blessings in Christ,

Victoria VanAntwerp

About This Project

Hello Friends! I've been serving with OMF U.S. for 2 years now. I volunteered as a TCK Family & Care Volunteer writing encouraging & handwritten letters (snail mail) to over 50 College Adult TCKs as they transition into their college career. I'm excited to transiton from the US TCK Team to the entired global OMF family! I'm excited to embark on this new journey of assisting the International Facilitator for TCK Services (Jennifer Tibbetts). The purpose of the TCK Admininstrative Assistant role is to help missionary families THRIVE by providing encouragement, resources and educational support to those who walk alongside them on the field. As an Administrative Assistant I will help & assist the International Facilitator for TCK Services (IFTS) to provide care for over 855 missionary kids (MKs) so that families can better thrive on the mission field while reaching unreached people groups in East Asia which makes up 50% of the world’s population. The main areas of focus are Transitions, Education, and Child Safety. The IFTS, as the international advocate for TCKs in OMF, has a vision to see families with thriving children, who understand and value their TCK experience, growing in faith towards all that God desires. My role and main responsibilities include helping manage many emails, researching useful trainings and other resources for regular newsletters sent to missionary families and assisting with many projects to train & empower those caring for these missionary kid (MKs)  Primarily our team works through Third Culture Kid (TCK) Advisors and Child Safety Officers (CSOs) who then work with the families in 36 countries around the world.  

What is a Third Culture Kid?

This experience of growing up in a culture outside of your passport culture is known as the Third Culture Kid experience. Missionary Kids are also called Third Culture Kids as they come from a passport culture and their parents work in a second culture which causes them to be a blend of cultures, or really a unique “third” culture. These expat children, including missionary kids, face a wide variety of both challenges and blessings. 

International and U.S. Vision & Mision:

Vision is what we hope to see for our future. On the international side and U.S. side this is the future we hope to see…

  • International Vision
    • Through God’s grace, we aim to see an indigenous, biblical church movement in each people group of East Asia, evangelizing their own people and reaching out in mission to other peoples.
  • U.S. Vision
    • We will see growing movements of God’s people, prayer and resources released and upheld to bring the hope of Christ to East Asia’s people.

Mission is what we are doing every day in order to reach the vision. Here is what our international and U.S. efforts are doing every day in hopes to reach our vision…

  • International Mission
    • We share the good news of Jesus Christ in all its fullness with East Asia’s peoples to the glory of God.
  • U.S. Mission
    • As advocates for every people group in East Asia, we encourage, enable and equip the body of Christ to serve God’s purposes among them.


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    Littleton, CO 80120

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