After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no
one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples
and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb,
clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and
crying out with a loud voice,
"Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the
Revelation 7:9-10 (NIV)
Thank you for your partnership as we journey in Japan to be used in whatever way God chooses! We long to see the day when this picture in Revelation is fully realized and look forward to seeing many of our Japanese brothers and sisters among that great multitude.
Praise God that we were finally above to arrive in Japan in March 2022! After almost two years of full-time language studies in Sapporo (located in the northern island of Hokkaido), we moved in 2023 to the city of Higashikurume in Tokyo . Please pray for us as we serve at Jousui Megumi Christ Church and as Emily serves as Finance Manager for OMF Japan. Pray also for our family as we continue to transition into life in Tokyo and that we might live as salt and light to those around us. Pray that we would continue to grow in our ability to understand and communicate well. Lastly, please also pray that God would mobilize his Church to grow in her burden for the nations and for many in Japan to experience and know God’s presence through Christ.
Chris, Emily & Family
Our brief biography
Chris and Emily Cheng were born in the US to Chinese immigrants. Chris was born in Illinois, and grew up in Texas, Hong Kong, and Connecticut. He grew up in a Christian home, came to faith at a young age, and was baptized at 13 in Hong Kong. Emily was born in New Jersey, and grew up in Colorado and Northern California. Emily’s family came to faith after moving to California while she was in middle school. She and her father were both baptized on the same day! Chris and Emily met in Massachusetts during college where they both earned Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science.
For many years, Chris was uncertain about God’s calling, but God challenged him to take small steps of faith to explore the family’s calling to missions. In 2016, Chris left his engineering job to attend Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Chris began to see how God had been growing his heart for Japan through previous business trips. Chris and Emily took their family to Japan with OMF Serve Asia during summer 2018. Through this trip, Emily saw the spiritual needs and God’s hand at work in Japan and was challenged to also pursue theological education in preparation for full-time ministry. In Fall 2019, she left her job at the International Students Office at MIT to begin studies at seminary.
The Coronavirus pandemic delayed their departure to Japan, but through God's continuing faithfulness and guidance, they finally made it to Japan in March 2022. Through all this, God has continued to grow their hearts for the Japanese. Chris and Emily are excited to see where and how God will lead them as they continue pursuing serving Him in Japan.