Chiayi Student Outreach Center (P62009)

Chiayi Student Outreach Center (P62009)

$2,950 remaining
$4,050 raised
57% of $7,000 goal
  • Taiwan
  • OMF (U.S.)
  • International Project
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

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2024-25 School year begins

September 10, 2024

The new school year has begun!  While the missionaries were gone for the summer and many students returned to their homes, the fellowship continued meeting on Sundays.  It was a joy to hear how they lead the Bible studies, cooked food for everyone and cared for one another.  With the new school year upon us, everyone is motivated to welcome new students and young people to the group.  We are hoping through involvement in school clubs, special events at the coffee shop, guitar classes, etc. that we will make more contact with students, especially first and second year ones.  May many nonbelievers have the opportunity to hear the gospel, and may many believers be challenged and encouraged in their walk with Jesus.  May they be discipled and equipped to serve Him wherever they may find themselves.

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