JI’s love for peoples with disabilities started over 30 years ago, when she trained to become an orthotist/prothetist, i.e. a bracemaker and maker of artificial arms and legs. Since 1995, she has been a cross cultural rehabilitation professional in Taiwan and China, working in various places such as in children’s homes, research centers, schools, clinics and hospitals as an lecturer, prosthetic orthotic trainer and developer, and clinician.
As a Christ follower, she has always been intrigued with Jesus’ frequent interaction with the disabled during his Earthly ministry. She has come to understand that God has invited all peoples into the Kingdom of God, but certain persons, like those with disabilities, seldom hear about this “Great Invitation”. JI joined OMF International to serve those in SouthEast Asia. She has the vision to equip the next generation of rehabilitation specialists to be messengers of the “Great Invitation” to God’s Heavenly Banquet. (Luke 14:15-24)