Retired? God will still send you.
Many, I would say most, of our retired missionaries are still active in missions. They are igniting churches in America, speaking at Perspectives and conferences, raising up the next generation of mission-minded believers through teaching Sunday school and beyond. When they retired from their career in missions work, they could choose what the next phase of their life would look like. Many of our retirees still travel internationally, and locally, to wherever God is leading them now. Are you retiring or close to doing so? Maybe you know someone who is retiring soon and they're not sure what's next. OMF (U.S.) has been encouraged by the many retired Christians who are reengaging with missions! We've sent long-term workers, as well as short term workers. Can you believe that 14% of the short term workers we send are ages 51 and up?! Check out this story of a couple who engage in short term missions through OMF. Remember, God's not done with us yet! Praise God, can I get an Amen?