Hello! Welcome to my Partner Hub!
After graduating college with a degree in Nutirition, God quickly made it clear to me that he was pulling my heart in a different direction. Since a young age, God has been expanding my heart to serve youth. Through my teenage years, i served on youth focused short-term missions trips. I quickly gravitated towards a love for helping children grow in health spiritually, mentally, and physically. I then served as a youth pastor for Christ Vision Ministries International (CVMI) in Aurora, Colorado. Upon hearing about OMF's Third Culture Kid (TCK) ministry, I quickly felt the need to serve God in providing support, encouragment, and prayer for OMF TCK children and leaders.
Matthew 19:14
"Let the Little Children Come to Me and do not Hinder them, for to such belongs the Kingdom of Heaven."
Please feel free to check out photos, newsletters or partner with me :)