Megan Sarian

Megan Sarian

  • United States
  • OMF (U.S.)
  • Worker Support
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Musings from My 2-month Trip to Asia

April 1, 2019

I just spent 2 months working with OMF from Cambodia (February/March 2019). It was an absolute privilege to spend those months interviewing OMF missionaries and local Christians, as well as exploring the country to learn about its history and culture. 

Even though I was supposedly a "communications expert" on the field, I felt more like a learner and observer. Not only were the sights and sounds new, but the stories I heard blew me away. I chronicled my journey through a series of five blog posts, listed below (I've omitted the first two intro posts, but they're linked in the first post below.) 

From Colorado Comfort Zone to Cambodia / Expectations Vs. Reality, Part 1-3:

Nee's Story, Part 4:

Three Important Lessons, Part 5:

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