Waiting and Working
These numbers tell the tale of us waiting on the Lord for His continued provision. We are in Chattanooga, TN, this week, sharing life with our daughter and our 3 granddaughters, wondering if we will reach our target date of returning to Singapore in early May.
And yet, there is a bigger wait. The inward groaning as we eagerly wait for adoption as sons and daughters. And we wait with hope and patience (Romans 8: 23—25).
So while we wait, we work. Early morning cries, late night protests, and middle of the day exhaustion as we enjoy the many blessings of being grandparents. Waiting while a daughter goes in for out-patient surgery. Searching for good pricing and flights for air tickets to multiple cities, visiting partners and family.
We do continue some of our global work with OMF while developing and encouraging partners here in the US. Eunice is in the midst of co-leading a 16-week training with colleagues across the world exploring the essentials of leadership. Au has been supporting the search for historical records for ongoing and present ministry requests.
The final week in April has been set aside for final preparations for leaving our home for the next 3 years of our term.
Waiting or working. Working and waiting. Our goal is, whatever we do, to work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men (Colossians 3:23). We invite you to join us in working heartily for the Lord, specifically to pray with us for God’s direction and provision.
The remaining numbers on the map indicate our next stops. We wish we could have seen you all this home assignment—we depend on each of you.
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