Matthew Navarro

Matthew Navarro

  • United States
  • OMF (U.S.)
  • Supported Staff
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January 2025 Update

January 31, 2025

Vision Trip to Taiwan (12/17-1/4)

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Thank you for your constant prayers for our family. We returned from our Vision trip on January 4th and feel like we have recovered from jetlag and have had some time to internally process in prayer and externally process with close friends and mentors.

Here is a quick rundown of our vision trip as well as our takeaways...

After 20 hours of plane flights and another 2 hours of train transportation, we found ourselves in the south of Taiwan in Donggang Township, a city along the Taiwan straight known for fishing. Here we had the opportunity to stay near OMF missionaries (Aaron and Amy Koh) and see their lives of doing workshop ministries to the unreached people of Taiwan. Our time with them was filled with outreach/Christmas events, time with shop owners, and times to learn about Taiwan culture (Opening our hearts to the need for the gospel amongst the working-class population). Some major highlights include, sharing the birth of Jesus at a local elementary school (It was really an opportunity to educate the kids about America and western culture), reciting and acting the Christmas story at 2 Christmas parties hosted by the Kohs (some were hearing this for the first time) and partaking in Taiwan culture with a visit to the local night market on Christmas day. We also went to see a popular temple, Donglang temple. Being able to observe locals put their hope in idols and other Gods (Taoist Gods), made our hearts break that they don't know about Jesus, and don't know that he has authority and dominion over the gods that they worship, and Jesus alone is the hope that they need!

Our next stop was Qiaotou district near Kaosiung. Here OMF missionaries David and Ruth Ullstrom run Qiaotou Gods Love Christian church. What an opportunity to learn from Missionaries who have been in Taiwan for multiple decades, and what it means to build relationships and wait patiently for seeds to grow. Matthew had the opportunity to share his testimony with the youth group at Gods Love Christian church, and we also attended some outreach events, including a cycling club. While in Qiaotou, we had the opportunity to take a quick train ride into Kaosiung to meet up with Audrey and Meide. Meide runs a local outreach to women in the sex industry, and Audrey runs a similar OMF ministry (Pearl Family Garden) in a different city. What a great evening of prayer & education about reaching the marginalized in Taiwan and the importance of partnership with the local church.

From there we visited and observed a Half-Way house (Prison ministry) where Michael and Ruth Quek minister. They also took us to their neighborhood of Kelio where they also share the love of Christ. Here Christ highlighted the need for care for the elderly and disabled. He also showed us the amazing transformation work being done through the half-way house 18-month program for men who have just been released from prison. They are coming to Christ and allowing the holy spirit to transform their lives.

Our last stop was Meishan township, where we stayed at Meishan Gospel Center run by Putao and Kat Lin. In this rural town, the Lin's are sharing the gospel as they build relationships with local families through the schools and outreach events. We had the opportunity to ring in the new year with them at their gospel center and explore what it means to be a good neighbor as a missionary living in Taiwan

Here are 2 great videos we encourage to watch, to get a glimpse at some of these ministries (They are short!)

-Donggang - Wasting time with people - OMF | Mission among East Asia’s people

-Meishan - Big opportunity in a small town community

Matthew's Takeaway:

"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few" (Matthew 9: 35-38)

The Lord was so faithful in showing Taiwan's need for Christ! Taiwan needs families and people who are willing to cross cultural/language boundaries and live as God Sharing neighbors. From our trip, it was made clear that living as a family and building deep faithful relationships in Taiwan, is the strongest witness we could have for the gospel.

Hawa's Takeaway:

I was really excited for our vision trip to Taiwan. But if I am honest, deep down I had some fears about how things would go due to me being a planner and having the tendency to set high expectations for how things should go according to my way. Even though I had these fears, it was only between me and the lord. The first week we got there, he showed me how if he called me, he would sustain me and give me everything I need to carry out his will. It reminds of Hebrews 13:20-21: "God equips us with everything we need to do his will, including peace, wisdom and strength". I am so grateful that he was able to speak to my fear of not belonging.

Amara & Hezekiah:

Amara loved Taiwan! She loved making new friends even when there was a language barrier. She has already started to ask when we are going back to Taiwan so she can go see her friends.

Hezekiah was along for the ride and did so well with travel. He loved the smiles and attention he got :)

Obviously, there is so much more to share, and we would love to get together with you to share more! Would you please reach out to us by phone or email so we can get together??


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