Tai Dam Evangelism (P88012)

Tai Dam Evangelism (P88012)

$0.00 remaining
$15,653 raised
104% of $15,000 goal
  • Eastern Asia
  • OMF (U.S.)
  • International Project
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

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It means we here need to do more...

December 1, 2020

Because the Tai Dam people are spread across multiple countries, the ministry often involves international travel, even if the distances are not all that far. Some of those in ministry to the Tai Dam, including Tai Dam themselves, are used to regularly crossing international borders. It has been normal for some Tai Dam do it weekly!

But, of course, those days are currently on pause. In one recent conversation a Tai Dam Christian said, “If you guys over in (a nearby country) can’t come, and if the others who are outside the country can’t come back yet, then it means we here need to do more to go and share with the Tai Dam in our country. We want to visit this new church to do what 2 Timothy 2:2 says. That’s my desire. Please pray for us to have energy for traveling and strengthening these other believers.”

The church she spoke of was recently started by two Tai Dam men from her village who have moved to another province. On their last trip they took with them Gospel materials that our team developed to assist people in sharing the Good News. Two of the members that we had trained in using this tool each presented it to the leaders of the new church. Then they helped them as the church leaders practiced retelling it themselves.

Now, as Christmas is approaching, the Tai Dam Christians will travel several hours to go to the newly established church and help them in reaching out to their community.

It is a blessing to be able to help provide Gospel materials, training and help with travel so they can do this. It is more of a blessing to see Tai Dam actively working to put 2 Timothy 2:2 into practice to see their own people reached.

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