June Candidate & Orientation Course
Greetings from Colorado,
Thank you so much for faithfully praying for us. You are part of our ministry team and we are sure that because of your prayers for us we are able to continue in the work that we do.
I am writing this from C&OC (Candidate and Orientation Course), where believers who sense that the Lord is calling them to overseas ministry and are interested in OMF as their sending agency, come to a one week course. The course is designed to let the candidates see if they are a good fit for working with OMF… and also lets OMF appoint them as members if the council accepts them. It’s a pretty intense course and the candidates have filled out medical, theological, and a ton of other forms before they arrive. We have 11 adults desiring to be accepted for service in Asia, along with their 11 children attending the course. We also have 6 participants who are being orientated to work on our US staff. Including those of us running the course, there are 35 of us here this week!
Barry is leading several workshops – OMF history, TCK care, introducing OMF, etc. Please pray for strength for him as he has just gotten over a bout with pneumonia and feels weak. In our weakness may He be our strength!
The OMF Candidate Council will meet tomorrow (6/14/2018) to decide who will be accepted as Appointees. We need wisdom and clarity for some tough decisions.
Thanks for your prayers,
Jan for the Potter team