Mollie F

Mollie F

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  • Southeast Asia
  • OMF (U.S.)
  • Serve Asia Worker
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No Place to Lay my Head

October 10, 2024

The Son of Man Has Nowhere to Lay His Head

In Luke 9, a man came to Jesus and said, “I will follow you wherever you go.” Jesus responded, “Foxes have dens, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” The King of Heaven had no home here, so then, why do I expect a home here? (Luke 9:57-62)

Living cross-culturally has its own challenges. I am learning what “home” really means. Is it where all my comfort items are? Is it where my dog is? Is it where my family is? Or is it in heaven, not to be fully reached on earth?

Bangkok feels like home because my best friend is there. Chiang Mai feels like home because I am living there. Indiana feels like home because my family and dog are there. But my real home is not any of these places. My home can only be found in Jesus. My home is where he is preparing a place for me (John 14:2-4). My home is where the body of Christ comes together to serve and worship him. My home is where the presence of God is. I must surrender my earthly comforts to follow God even if I have nowhere to lay my head.


I was in Bangkok when I heard the news of the flooding in Chaing Mai. Pictures came rolling in and my house became an island. My team leader was evacuated and my roommate had to be boated out of our house. I was told I would not return to my house for an indefinite amount of time. It was unclear if water entered my house. With only one suitcase of dirty clothes and essential items, I became a “displaced person.” My teammates found homes around the OMF community in the parts of the city that had no flooding. Unfortunately, many people were without water and electricity, including my house. 

I returned to Chaing Mai on Monday. I was picked up at an airport and taken to a laundry mat to wash my clothes. An OMF family took my roommate and me in even when there was no running water for one night. We made do of it and it felt like camping. Unfortunately, the death of a 12th-grade international student rocked the community and that family was deeply affected. I am so grateful for their willingness to serve us during this time.

The next day we waded in water to our house and the mission center to help with clean-up efforts. My dream of using a power washer was fulfilled. The OMF community is strong and has come together to serve each other. Several family’s homes were flooded in our area as well. But God’s people are resilient. We are continually cleaning, praying, and sending encouragement to each other.

Our house was still without power and water, however no flood waters entered our house! Praise the Lord! The only problem was that the fridge was leaking from the power being out. The OMF community even cleaned it for us. It was such a blessing. We were able to return to our home Tuesday night with full water and power. This was such a relief.

Many places in Chaing Mai are still cleaning up after the flood. Our mission building has lots of work to be done. Garbage is piling up in the streets and dirt has been piling up everywhere. And the residual flood smell is indescribable. My team has been lucky but others, not so much. Processing this week is going to take time. Please take time to pray for Chaing Mai, the OMF community, my team, and me as you pray for those who are affected by the hurricane.


Due to flooding, our main ministry plans have changed. We helped with clean up with the OMF center. We are also using our house as a “come-and-go” childcare so parents can assist with clean up.

My teammate and I also went to serve a family who had been affected by the recent hurricanes in the States. The mom had to return to help with a family emergency. The father is having health issues and needs help with the children. We spent two days with this family. We played Dutch Blitz, Super Smash Brothers, and watched both Sonic movies. One of the girls painted our nails and another one was eager to bake fudge and cookies. Spending time with this family was such a blessing to us and them.

Please pray for me this next week as I work with an international school and serve families with children with disabilities at a retreat. I will be doing support for activities. I am so excited to be able to serve these families with the talents that God has given me. Pray that I will be open to new opportunities that this camp may bring up

Prayer Needs

  • Pray for 3 families who have homes affected by flooding
  • Pray for a missionary who had to return to the States to help family members who were victims of the Hurricane. Pray for her husband and children who remain in Thailand
  • Pray for my teammates and me as we process the impact the flooding had on us
  • Pray for a high school student who is studying for the SATs
  • Pray for a family who just lost a 12th-grade son who was in an accident and the community affected
  • Pray for missionaries' family members who are affected by the hurricanes
  • Pray for upcoming service at a disability camp
  • Pray for Chaing Mai as clean-up efforts may take a few months
  • Pray for God to fill the empty places in my heart with His will
  • Pray for me to obey God each day with the work he has prepared for me
  • Praise God for the two girls who were baptized in Bangkok
  • Praise God for working water and electricity in my house
  • Pray that I prioritize time with the Lord every day
  • Praise God that the missionary couple gave birth to a perfectly healthy baby girl

Let me know how I can pray for you!


Mollie Faust

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