Victoria VanAntwerp

Victoria VanAntwerp

$6,230 raised

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  • United States
  • OMF (U.S.)
  • Supported Staff
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Beginning New Role as Admin Assistant with OMF U.S.

April 18, 2022

Dear Friends:

I am beyond grateful to share that after a year of service and care for TCKs in college, I have felt God’s calling to continue serving in TCK ministry, though in a different capacity. I will no longer be volunteering with the US TCK Team and will now be serving as Supported Home Staff as Administrative Assistant on the International TCK Team. I'm excited to embark on this new journey of assisting the International Facilitator for TCK Services (Jennifer Tibbetts).  My volunteer role was serving as a TCK Family & Care volunteer where I was writing encouraging & uplifting handwritten letters for 1 year to 50 plus college TCKs (third culture kids) and MKs (Missionary kids). I’m excited to transition from US TCK Team to the entire global OMF family! 

The purpose of this role is to help missionary families thrive by providing support, training and assistance to those who walk alongside them on the field. As an Administrative Assistant I will help & assist the International Facilitator for TCK Services (IFTS) to provide care for over 855 missionary kids (MKs) so that families can better thrive on the mission field while reaching unreached people groups in East Asia which makes up 50% of the world’s population. The main areas of focus are Transitions, Education, and Child Safety. The IFTS, as the international advocate for TCKs in OMF, has a vision to see families with thriving children, who understand and value their TCK experience, growing in faith towards all that God desires.   The IFTS will oversee the caring for and equipping of families in raising their children by providing encouragement, resources and educational support. 

My main responsibilities will be helping manage many emails, researching useful trainings and other resources for regular newsletters sent to missionary families and assisting with many projects to train and empower those caring for these missionary kids.  Primarily our team works through Third Culture Kid (TCK) Advisors and Child Safety Officers (CSOs) who then work with the families in 36 countries around the world.  (Missionary kids are also called third culture kids as they come from a passport culture and their parents work in a second culture which causes them to be a blend of cultures, or really a unique “third” culture.)      

I’m beginning my journey of Partnership Development which is a huge step in beginning working for this Ministry. I’m ready to embark on this new season of growth, change & blooming. I would be honored if you would pray for strength & perseverance to raise the funds needed to serve in this Ministry. Currently I am doing the Partnership Development School Training online, meeting with a Partner Development coach & learning more about what it takes to serve full-time in the Ministry. I’ve been learning that God wants to use me for His good & for His glory. This isn’t about me but about serving the greater good pointing people to Jesus & empowering the families to thrive on the mission field. I believe God has called me to the Ministry to serve His Kingdom & put my trust in Him the Provider of all my needs. Please feel free to send any questions you may have about this Ministry to my email. Also, I would love to know how I can best be praying for your & your family. Don’t hesitate to send prayer requests to my email, phone, or by snail mail. Please pray about the possibility of joining my prayer team. Thank you for taking the time to consider partnering alongside me in this Ministry. Sending Light, Love, & Peace to you all in the next coming months as we enter into a new season of hopefully brighter warmer days ahead! 




 Victoria VanAntwerp 🙏🏻❤️⚓️✨

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