Victoria VanAntwerp

Victoria VanAntwerp

$6,230 raised

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Prayer Requests for Partnership Development & Hudson Taylor Movie

August 19, 2022

Hello Prayer Warriors!

Thank you for praying last month for my appointment visits to Mayo. I'm thankful for the doctors I was able to see and get care from. Very grateful to be able to be seen and live so close (only an hour a half) to the #1 Hospital in the Nation. Please pray for all the doctors, health care workers and patients (that travel all over the world) that are feeling burnout. As of now I'm all done with going to Mayo except for a few virtual visits. Please continue to pray for my journey to better overall health and well-being. Also, please pray I can continue to keep raising the funds needed to reach financial clearance so I can begin working with and assisting Jennifer Tibbetts (The intl Facilitator for TCK Services) I'm excited to begin official paid work helping Jennifer with various projects. My goal is to begin hopefully sometime in the Fall when I reach the full support. Right now I'm at about 32% fully funded. Please pray God will lead more people to support my TCK Ministry work. 

The Hudson Taylor Movie Project The Hudson Taylor movie currently in development is more than just a movie. It's intended to be part of an on-going movement to reach people with the gospel of Christ. As Dr. Jennie Fung shares, "Our goal is to change the lives of our viewers." Please pray for the development of the Hudson Taylor movie that the fruition will happen in God's perfect timing and that the people who see this movie will will be forever changed.

As always let me know how I can best be praying for you and those you love.

Blessings, Victoria ✝︎


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