Victoria VanAntwerp

Victoria VanAntwerp

$6,230 raised

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Reached Financial Clearance to begin official paid part-time work!

November 3, 2022

Greetings Fellow Prayer Partners,

I hope you & those you love are doing well and feeling God's presence in your everday ordinary days. With God even ordinary things in the day to day can seem extraordinary if we have our eyes & ears open to all that is happening around us and out there beyond what we can see or feel. I have very exciting news to share with you all! Because of your generous donations and financial support I have reached financial clearance to begin working 5 hours per week! I praise God for this and all the Glory to God for making this happen. My official start hiring date was 10/3. Please pray I will contine to be funded as the weeks and months go by that more poeple would be called to learn more and donate to this important ministry. Please pray I will be faithful in my work with what God has entrusted to me at this time and will be able to increase my hours as I get more funds. In the month of October I was busy working on hiring paperwork, getting set up on Paylocity, & working on putting together valuable resources for the TCK November Newsletter. I will attach that here so you can see the vital important work I've been doing that will help TCKs be whole & healthy while their families serve on the field reaching the unreached for Christ. TCKs experience both many blessings as well as challenges. I have also been attending weekly Prayer meetings with the US Ministry Team every T/TH which has been so encouraging & uplifting to connect with the team and put names to faces getting to know the wonderful ministry partners God has called to serve the Kingdom of God! Beyond grateful to be apart of the OMF Team and that I have praying co-workers and supervisor! There's no place I'd rather be except maybe Heaven of course... But I know & believe God has assignments for me to complete on this Earth before He calls me to be Home with him forevermore so I will keep going, fighting the the Good Fight one day at a time, one small faithful step at a time. 😊🦋  Please do pray for my Supervisor who is on her East Asia trip traveling 18 flights in 5 weeks. Please pray God gives her the strength, guidance and safety/health to do everything she has planned. Please pray she will have many opportunities to share about Christ and have the courage to be bold in sharing about Jesus with people who do not yet follow or know Jesus as their personal Savior. In November my Supervisor will be visiting around Cambodia visiting schools and families, sharing about parenting, bringing resources, etc. Then she will fly to Bangkok and travel to Lopburi where they worked for 8 years; visit with Thai friends, both Christian and Buddhist and visit Prasiri Church that they planted in 1998. Then she will vistit Bangkok, Laos, Missionary families and leaders in Vietnam. She will conclude her trip in Chiang Mai connecting with International Child Safety Officer (CSO) who works with her, & planning for TCK Advisor/CSO consultation in May 2023. That's all for now until next time may you Abide in Christ, peace be with you always. Sending Love & Light as we approach the holidays may you find time to slow down amidst the hustle and bustle & reflect on the true meaning and reason for the season. Take care & stay blessed and continue to share your blessings with one another! As always please let me know if you have any questions for me and let me know how I can best be praying for you & those you love. 🙏🏻❤️⚓️

Love & Blessings in Christ,

Victoria VanAntwerp ✝︎


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