Victoria VanAntwerp

Victoria VanAntwerp

$6,230 raised

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Prayers needed for ongoing health issues

May 31, 2023

Hello Friends & Prayer Partners,

I hope this update finds you and those you love doing well & staying strong in the Lord. I'm reaching out to ask for prayers for both my physical/mental health issues. My mental health struggles lately have been impacting my physical health & my physical health affects my mental health. Please pray I can go from just surviving to THRIVING in the LORD! Somedays all we can do is survive and take it hour by hour and one day at a time when you have ongoing chronic health issues or when facing trials of many kind. An update on my most recent diagnosis of sleep apnea: I got the OK to return the CPAP machine because it was not working for me so my next step was going to be looking into getting a dental appliance however I just had a deep cleaning yesterday of my teeth and found out my health insurance does not cover dental appliances. So please be praying God will make a way, another option so I can finally get correct sleep & treatment to have my normal energy back again & be healthier. I'm often very fatigued from battling full body chronic pain, bursitis/arthritis in feet, GI issues, type 1 diabetes burnout, PCOS (insulin resistance, depression/anxiety/mood disturbances etc.) Please pray I can get down to a healthy weight and BMI so I can potentially be a candidate for Inspire which is the latest treatment for Obstructive sleep apnea. This is really what I feel God leading me to do to strive to make this happen in God's power & strength. Please pray for all those suffering from mental health struggles that they may feel peace of mind & get a reprieve from the mental toll. Pray that anyone battling those negative thoughts from the Enemy that they would claim Victory over the darkness & would no longer feel in bondage to sin or negative thoughts. May we rebuke any negative thought and take every thought captive to Obey Christ as 2 Corinthians 10:5 says. 

You can look forward to receiving some good mail/happy mail from me (OMF) in June. I hope to send out another prayer letter in the mail in June. I hope you all have a wonderful & blessed Summer enjoying time out in nature in God's Creation! Soak up the sun & remember even during the longest hardest nights the moon/stars still continue to shine for us and the sun is always shining somewhere in the world. Keep looking where the Light pours in. May Christ's Light shine through you to reflect His deep love for all of humankind. May we be reminded during these trying strange times of Luke 21:25-28 "There will be signs in the sun, moon & stars" Let's keep our eyes open to those signs, stand firm, & wake up. Just know I'm praying for you all keeping you in my thoughts & prayers. As always, feel free to email me or reach out with any specific prayer requests. I'm here to support you every step of the way. In Romans 8:26 we are also told that God the Holy Spirit groans as well: "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans." So do not be discouraged by the wordless groans from you or others. Be encouraged because this means the Holy Spirit is praying for us on our behalf. What breaks God's heart should also break our hearts if we are walking in step with the Spirit. Thank you to all of you who choose to continually partner with me in my Ministry, it really does help me keep going & be able to serve the Kingdom of God daily. So thankful & blessed I'm able to serve God everyday and not be enslaved to the secular world. Very appreciative of each and everyone of you! May God bless you all abundantly!

Love & Blessings,




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