Victoria VanAntwerp

Victoria VanAntwerp

$6,230 raised

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Finished Projects (Keep Moving Forward)

June 8, 2022

I'm 3 months into my new role now and just finished up an Editing Video Project for all the TCK Advisors. The “TCK Advisor Orientation” video editing project was by far my most challenging project yet but with God's strength & guidance from my supervisor I was able to finish it successfully. I edited a video created by Christina Stidham for TCK Advisor Orientation.  I used a free site called Handbrake where I was able to merge videos together. I put these 3 videos together into one and added subtitles on YouTube (transcript) for those who English is not their first language. This large video file will be put on the TCK Advisor Community of Purpose and will be announced (via email) to all the TCK Advisors. This video will help them so they know what they should be doing moving forward. Grateful that I was able to figure everything out to the best of my ability even though I don't have much experience in editing videos. I aslo helped edit the new OMF Site which can be found here: 

In the last couple of months I've learned more about the Tertiary Education Fund Application that is available to all members in OMF. Back in April I edited and created the latest TCK Trail Newsletter that was sent out in May to all TCK Advisors, CSOs (Child Safety Officers), BH staff and CNX TCK workers. These newsletters will hopefully be sent out more regularly we are hoping quarterly now with my assistance. I provided resources for the families in hopes of seeing the families & their children THRIVE on the mission field. I went ahead and updated the OMF TCK Advisors for Lauren Wells debrief training 2022 Spreadsheet. I also Edited an 11 page Child Safety script to a 6th-8th grade reading level and it was initially at a 11th or 12th grade level. I hope this provides you with a good overview of some of the things I've been up to these last 3 months doing God's kingom work all the Glory to God for giving me endurance to finish it all! Praise God for the financial support I received yesterday from 2 different partners. I find it very encouraging trusting and waiting for God to provide all my financial needs. Thank you for your generous donations & choosing to partner alongside me in this very important life changing Kingdom work. Please continue to pray that God would continue to heal me & keep both my physical and mental health in check. By His Stripes I'm healed! Always feel free to email me or reach out with any prayer requests for yourself or loved ones. I'd be honored to pray! I hope you all have a blessed, joyous & well rested summer spending time with God, friends, family & your pets! Please pray I would be able to soon be given opportunities to present my presentation to pastors, friends & family in hope of more people partnering with me either financially/prayer or both. Hope doesn't let the story end let's continue to keep going to Him!



Victoria VanAntwerp


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