Victoria VanAntwerp

Victoria VanAntwerp

$6,230 raised

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  • OMF (U.S.)
  • Supported Staff
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Outgoing Thank You Cards to Supporters & Prayer Requests

July 10, 2022

For those of you that have supported me and donated to my project in the month of June to show my appreciation and how much it means to me I have mailed out OMF Thank you Greeting cards. I am very snail mail passionate so for my supporters and those who donate to my fundraiser you can expect more mail from me :) Snail mail is NOT dead & Hope still remains even in the brokenesss in the world. Hope is ALIVE & WELL. I hope this outgoing snail mail brings a little bit of joy into your day & encourages you to keep going to Him. A hobby of mine is writing to pen pals & creating greeting cards. I've been selling greeting cards for the past almost 3 years on Etsy this is another form of Ministry Spreading Kindness, Love, Light & Hope one Card at a time. If you are interested in checking out my work & side hustle the link is Thanks in advance for all the kind present & future support it truly means the world to me. May God bless you & TCKs with your generous gifts. 

As always let me know how I can best be praying for you & those you love. If you could please keep me in your thoughts & prayers regarding my chronic health issues I would appreciate it very much. I'm going down to Rochester, MN with my Mom to be seen at Mayo Clinic by an Internal Medicine doctor please pray for answers, healing and the best treatment that will bring relief to my GI issues that I have been dealing with since February of 2021. I also will be seeing an endrocronologist to get better control of my blood sugars. I was given an official diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes as of February of 2020. Although I have endured many trials in my 28 years of life so far it is well with my soul because He is with me fighting my battles I only need to be still &  continue to persevere in times of suffering. There is purpose in our pain & suffering I do believe. An honest prayer we can pray is simply I don't know God, Amen. But we can keep trusting that God knows best for our lives & we can rest in His promises in His Word.

Life is like a beautiful messy puzzle and Jesus is the missing peice to our puzzle. Also, Please keep my Pastors Family (Prince Family) in your prayers. They lost their 10 year old son Ben tragically on July 3rd. Please pray they would continue to feel the love & support of their church family as well as their community.


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