Placement of New Cross-Cultural Workers in SE Asia
“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Psalm 46:10-11 (NIV)
2021 marked 8 years serving as Candidate Placement Coordinator for our field in Southeast Asia.
March 2021, a couple begins their virtual orientation course. After that, they will begin online language study while serving the field in other capacities. They will join the other two new couples (families) already “field active” and periodically meeting online since May and October, respectively. I rejoice that they are progressing nicely with their language studies. One of them has moved in with a relative who speaks the same language they are studying!
This year we expect six additional new couples/families, plus five singles to join our field. Most of these additions were delayed due to Covid-19 closures. Two couples will focus on equipping local Christians in the Lord's work. Four couples and 5 singles will work and live among Muslims. Six couples and one single have long-term commitments. Three singles have a 2-year commitment exploring the work in SE Asia.
- Ending 2020 fully supported. Praise the Lord for his abundant provision!
- The 17 people hoping to come to Asia in 2021.
- God’s timing in new workers physically moving to the field in SE Asia.
Monday the school attended by our kids went back to in-person learning. Now I can get out of the house and resume use of my office-space. Good news on that front. Please pray for our boys to persevere in diligence, motivation, and joy in learning. Pray for creative ways to get exercise and fellowship with other families during the restrictions.
In our free time we enjoy bicycling, hiking and spicy food.