K & S K

K & S K

  • United States
  • OMF (U.S.)
  • Worker Support
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More about K's Refugee Friend "Z"

August 17, 2023

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9, NIV)

Calling to Reach out to the Pearl People
While we lived in SE Asia, we would occasionally meet Pearl people who worked as street-sweepers, tour-guides, cooks, and waiters.  After living there for about 3 years I realized that I saw the Lord leading me to reach out to the Pearl people.  As we considered where to move to in the US, Texas came into view with friends inviting us to join them there in Dallas area.  K noticed that there was a religious group that had reached out to 200 Pearl families.  Our leadership gave us permission to join the Pearl team with an understanding that K would reach out to Pearl part time and continue in his part time role leading the Mobilization/recruiting team for the field.

A New Pearl Friend

Z was five years old when he and his family were driven out of their hometown in SE Asia.  The military attacked their city and everyone fled for their lives.  The city was destroyed.  They moved to a coastal town. 

Later, Z got married to M.  Z became a businessman in selling oil and chilies. When he was 23 years old, the military attacked their coastal village and burned it to the ground. Z, his wife and their one-year-old daughter were forced to flee.  Eventually they made their way to M. They had to leave behind his five-year-old brother with his elderly dad. 

Z, M and their daughter spent 10 years in the same SE Asia country where we used to live.  They arrived in the US as refugees 5 months ago.  Their daughter is now 12 years old and she just started school Monday.  This is her first time studying in an English-speaking school. Today Z started a job at Amazon.  Due to your partnership K is able to teach English to Z and others, sharing the message and love of Christ.  His English is improving nicely.  K can’t take the credit.  He has other English teachers and listens to the language a lot online.  


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