Jennifer Tibbetts

Jennifer Tibbetts

$40,330 raised

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  • United States
  • OMF (U.S.)
  • Supported Staff
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My financial support is at 69%

September 19, 2018

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your faithful prayers and partnership with me over these many years.  I've been with OMF for 21 years now!  God has faithfully provided for me and my family through the years.  Since we left Thailand and I've been working for the US office, gradually all of our church financial support ended and some of our individual support as well, as God has redirected people to support other ministries/workers.  

It's often hard to cast vision for what I do in the US office - I imagine it doesn't sound as exciting as working in Thailand :)  Yet, I've come to realize afresh that without the infrastructure of the home office, the people on the frontlines can't do their work.  And God has called me to be on the support team for this season as I provide member care for our workers in Asia.

Currently, my financial support is at 69% for this year.  At this rate, I will be short over $7800 by year end.  My lack of support has to be made up by the general fund which takes away from other projects and ministry.  Please pray with me that God will provide this full amount by the end of 2018.

I know our God is big and has all the resources needed for His work to be accomplished.  As someone once said, "God owns the cattle on a thousand hills.  (Psalm 50:10) Please pray that He will sell one to meet this need!"  :)


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