Jennifer Tibbetts

Jennifer Tibbetts

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Much More Stable - thanks for praying

May 15, 2021

Dear Friends,

What a blessing to have you praying for me when I felt in such a crisis.  It was a hard 1.5 weeks, but gradually I have felt more and more like myself and able to resume normal activities.  I think the serotonin levels have gradually rebuilt in my body since getting back on the SSRI on May 3.  Apparently, my body is not producing enough serotonin anymore and this medication blocks my brain from reabsorbing it so my body can be more efficient with the serotonin it has.  What a difference!  I went from being shaky, no appetite, unable to concentrate, panicky, feeling awful to almost feeling normal again.  I still feel a bit shaky in the mornings, I think because the pill is a 24 hour extended release so in the morning I'm probably a bit low on serotonin.  I"m also a bit tired, a side effect which should fade as my body readjusts to the medication.  What amazing complicated chemical beings we are!.

The blessing of this time is that I discovered that my hormone and thyroid levels are normal (after doing blood tests) - God is kind!  And God has been teaching me about thanksgiving and Praise.  I've been reading through The 30 Day Praise Challenge by Becky Harling.  This has encouraged me to spend more time praising God - He is so good and so worthy of praise.  I've been surprised at how many praise passages can be found in the Bible. God is speaking to me about changing my “longing” thoughts (oh I wish my kids live closer, oh I wish Scott could get a pastorate) into prayers of Thanksgiving “Thank you God that I have kids.  So many people want them and can’t have them.  Thank you God that Scott has good work to do that is close to our house that he likes OK.”  I think an attitude of gratitude will be a great growth step for me.

This was also an opportunity to evaluate some of my work projects and determine that I could delegate some.  A kind friend has taken up one project, and another friend is considering taking up a second.  Both of these are in the area of Child Safety which can be very draining at times.  So I'm thankful.  

Meanwhile, I could really use your prayers about an international virtual consultation that I am supposed to be planning with a team.  I have never done such a thing before.  We are due to bring our Third Culture Kid (TCK or Missionary Kid) Advisors together this year (usually every 3 years meeting in Singapore).  Because of all the travel restrictions, we cannot meet in person.  I don't know about you, but I find Zoom not a wonderful substitution for "in person".  Yet, it's what we have.  And many people have creatively used this tool to bring people together for encouragement and training.  

A key will be to determine what subjects should be covered, who (Speakers) should cover them, how to create environments for TCK Advisors in various countries (i.e. Thailand, Taiwan, Japan, Germany, UK, US) to talk to each other, discussing common issues and sharing resources and solutions.  Like all of us, Covid has brought many stresses and strains to missionary families and kids.  Some of the issues we are considering are mental health in lockdown; long hours of screen time necessary for online schooling, and trying to balance that with recreational screen time; occupying young children with little resources and no travel.  We're also considering current issues like gender identity/sexual issues, self-harm, eating disorders - yes, these affect the missionary community too.

Many of our TCK Advisors are busy missionaries who wear multiple hats, serving alongside church planting husbands, parenting, language learning, etc.  Normally, when we meet in person at our International Center in Singapore, these other roles can be set aside for a time while we enjoy fellowship, chatting between sessions, outings to the Singaporean food markets, etc.  But this time we'll be dealing with time zones and TCK Advisors in their homes trying to "endure" multiple 2 hour sessions on Zoom - and how to make these meaningful and memorable.  A big task!  Would you pray with us?  I think we'll be holding this Consultation in September or October.  Even finding a date that works for most people is challenging.

I continue to struggle with the lack of "in personness" of my job.  My days are full of emails and some Zoom calls.  Will you pray with me that I will find contentment and joy in this season?  I've just begun to read The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs (a Puritan preacher from the 1600s) based on Philiippians 4:11.  Oh, that I may learn to say with Paul, "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances."  God is so good and He is continually teaching us.  I read in a book years ago about being in"The School of God".  He is a wise Schoolteacher and carefully marks out our lessons for us each day so that we may be conformed to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ, who was fully submitted to the Father.  "For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me." John 6:38

My morning Women's Bible study at church is studying the Book of Mark (Son of God by Keri Folmar).  I have noted how often the term "immediately" is used in that gospel.  There is a wonderful article on this  which explains that the word "immediately" is euthys in the Greek.  Jesus was "well-placed" by the Holy Spirit who acted upon and through Him as Jesus was the servant of God in perfect obedience. I want to be like Jesus, a faithful servant who puts aside my desires, rebellion, self-interests and fully obeys the Father with joy, allowing the Holy Spirit to act upon and through me to God's glory.

Well, I've probably shared enough of my thoughts and heart for this email.  Thank you so much for praying.  Your encouraging words and prayers mean so much.  I have prayed for you too as you share things with me.

Some have asked for updates on the rest of the family - so here goes:

  • Matthew and Rachel continue to thrive in OKC with their precious baby Graham (now 4 months old).  Currently, Matthew is in discussions with his job as they are requiring the Covid vaccine for all employees in order to return to their office building, which seems a denial of personal freedom.
  • For months, Joshua has been working 13 hour days with very few days off as his Navy crew works to get their submarine repaired and back out to sea.  We are praying for mental and physical health, and that this heavy workload will soon end.  Also, for safety when the submarine goes back out to patrol.  And that Josh will get permission to come to Nathan's wedding in Dubuque, IA in July - would be wonderful to have our whole family together for this special occasion.
  • Nathan and Katelyn are excitedly planning their wedding on July 3, and going through premarital counseling.  Katelyn finishes her teaching job in 2 weeks.  Nathan continues to enjoy working for John Deere.
  • Alysha is doing well caring for a family in North Carolina - lots of cooking, cleaning and shopping.  The mother, Liz, is struggling with cancer and we pray for healing.  Alysha recently bought a kayak and is enjoying some trips on the inland waterways and lakes.
  • Scott is leading our adult Sunday School class at church "A Biblical Look at the Call to Missions".  He enjoys the beauty of the rec center area (with a lake and lovely birds) where he works as security guard, and prays for grace to deal with occasional small confrontations when people break the rules.  He has also had some chances to build relationships and share about Jesus.

Thank you for partnering with me in this amazing journey God has given us!

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