Jennifer Tibbetts

Jennifer Tibbetts

$40,330 raised

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The Learning Curve

January 18, 2021

Dear Friends,

I am entering the 3rd week of my new role as OMF's International Facilitator for TCK Services (IFTS).  At the end of last week, I felt absolutely overwhelmed, and I wanted to run and hide.  Not because this is a terrible job or because people have unreasonable expectations of me, but because I feel completely inadequate.  There are so many good things I could do, so many great resources, so many people who are more experienced than I am in caring for missionary families.  

This is really the first time that I've entered into a job in which I am meant to be leading a lot of other people, and thinking big picture instead of focusing on carrying out the details.  Over the weekend, I had some time to relax and think and pray.  I thought, "God, I want you to be the IFTS and I'll be your assistant."  I do not mean this facetiously.  I really want God to be in charge, and to lead and guide me.  

Today I wrote to some OMF folks who are experienced in caring for MKs, and asked them if they would prayerfully consider partnering with me in joining a committee where we could discuss ideas and plan how to accomplish some big goals.  I wrote, "One of my dreams is to form a committee to design a flow of training for OMF families addressing MK issues (including education and transitions) and child safety issues – 1) pre field orientation (in each of 18 sending countries) 2) during Singapore Orientation Course 3) field training on all 16 Asian fields (at conferences, new member field training, one-on-one coaching/mentoring) 4) during home assignment, etc.  It would be wonderful to train all of our Child Safety Officers and TCK (MK) Advisors (both sending and field) who can then train the families they are responsible for, and feel equipped and encouraged to do this."  

These are God sized tasks.  Thankfully, God is more than big enough.  I long for many people to pray for me at this time.  I cannot possibly provide the care needed for the families of 855 MKs ages 0-24 from many different countries serving in a variety of nations, not to mention the many Adult OMF MKs who need care and debriefing.  But God can.  And He cares!

Thanks for praying,




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