Jennifer Tibbetts

Jennifer Tibbetts

$40,330 raised

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back on antidepressant and other news

May 4, 2021

Wow!  So many of you reached out to me expressing such care, understanding and prayer.  That means so very much as you can imagine.  I'm still really struggling.  Talked to the doctor yesterday and she put me back on the antidepressant which worked well for several years.  I had gone off it in January hoping that I didn't need it now that I'm in a warm climate, and not wanting to take meds if I didn't need to AND wanting to lose weight - I'd gained a lot in recent years.  Apparently, I do need it to function well.

I think I overdid it between dieting and pushing myself in work and other areas.  Doctor had some suggestions for diet changes and she wants me to get a TSH test to see if my thyroid is functioning properly.  I'm hoping the antidepressant will kick in soon.  I think it can take a couple of weeks to build up in my system.  Meanwhile, I'm finding it hard to do much of anything.  Taking a break from work and trying to give myself grace.  Scott has been such a good caregiver.

Meanwhile, Scott's job at the convenience store was very stressful for him, and he didn't like selling cigarettes, liquor and lottery tickets so he has given that job up.  He now has four afternoon/evening shifts at a nearby neighborhood as a security guard.  He is enjoying that.  He oversees a rec center, pool area, basketball/tennis courts and playground.  Gets to walk a fair bit and interact with people.

I had mentioned that I hoped to be able to office at a missions office 10 minutes from my home.  Unfortunately, they are renovating the building so they said "not right now".  We'll see if that works out in the future.

Thanks again for caring,


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