Jennifer Tibbetts

Jennifer Tibbetts

$40,330 raised

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Report on TCK Advisor Consultation and Debriefing Opportunity

October 2, 2021

Dear Friends, 

Thank you so much for praying this week about the TCK Advisor Consultation. It went amazingly well, surpassing my hopes and expectations. The first day presenters did a great job in sharing in an interactive way to keep our attention as they shared about the importance of identity and helping missionary kids work through grief and loss so that they can thrive. 

The next day we had a great presentation on debriefing by another one of our workers and this fit perfectly with the need to help them process grief and loss. We also had some other helpful information presented on Education resources for our missionary kids, training on MK issues, etc.

And on the final day we had breakout groups where the TCK Advisors were able to share/discuss resources and encourage each other. There were about 45 people each day in attendance, representing fields and sending centers around the world.  Whether joining Zoom early in the morning,middle of the day or late at night, participants seemed enthusiastic and appreciative. The technology also worked very well. I know this is because you prayed.

I now have an amazing opportunity - amazingly a woman in my Village asked me to meet with her daughter because her daughter is reporting emotional exhaustion.   Last Friday I spent 3 hours with this thirteen-year-old MK from another sending agency to take her through a debrief. 

Today I met with her and her parents for another 2 hours to continue to process and then on Monday I will meet with just her for awhile and then her parents again to finish (6 hours or so). This is a great opportunity for me to learn more about debriefing, as well as hopefully bless this family and young teenager as she processes some of her experiences with me.

I plan to do a few more debriefs, hopefully with some of the missionary kids from OMF and then pass this training to our TCK Advisors to use with the kids in their fields and on home assignment. We also want to empower parents to be regularly processing with their kids. 

I would also ask you to pray for an adult MK small group that I plan to start up on Zoom in November, going through a 10-week study called Tarmac  Some MKs have expressed interest.  I am seeking the Lord to lead the people who are to go through the study with me. This is another good processing resource that has recently become available.

Meanwhile Alysha gets married two weeks from today. We are all eagerly anticipating that. My dad is not planning to attend as it is just too much to travel on this big trip when he's still healing,but he is doing much much better and really doesn't need supplemental oxygen anymore. My mom will come to the wedding with my siblings while my dad takes care of himself at home.

Thanks again for your care and prayers and partnership in my ministry, 



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