Jennifer Tibbetts

Jennifer Tibbetts

$40,330 raised

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Wonderful Wedding and Please Pray for Wes

October 17, 2021

Dear Friends,

Our God is so kind and loving and faithful and amazing!!


My parents made it to the wedding - the only one of the 3 this year that they made it to.  I'm so grateful!  My dad is not back to full strength, but he is doing pretty well and they enjoyed meeting 3 new grandkids-in-law - Joshua, Nathan and Alysha's spouses plus great-grandchildren Graham and Natalie.  (My sister and nephew and niece too!  Niece Katelyn was Alysha's maid of honor. SO special!)  And all of my kids with their spouses and baby Graham (adorable at almost 9 months) and sweet Natalie age 4.

It was a wonderful God-honoring wedding and we had so much fun doing country circle dancing and Virginia Reel and line dancing and eating delicious refreshments provided by the church family.  All the decor was beautiful.  Such a special day and so many blessings - especially from the church!  And now Alysha is Mrs Jacob Moore :)  They are on their honeymoon in the mountains of western North Carolina.

Meanwhile, I had a special time meeting with Joel and Jubilee on Monday and then Micaiah on Tuesday for grief processing.  Micaiah at age 16 is doing a lot of the "mothering" for Joel and Jubilee - a heavy load.  Please pray for these special kids as they continue to figure out life without mom.

I found out this week that my friend Julie's husband Wes has been in hospital since Sept 22 (last time she saw him in person) with Covid.  He has been on a ventilator since October 9 and his lungs are still showing inflammation and not yet showing any signs of recovery.  Wes is in his late 60s and fully vaccinated and was very fit and healthy before this.  Julie did Bible study with me in Louviers for years and then attended via Zoom last year after they moved to Durango.  Please pray that Julie and Wes will surrender their lives to Jesus through this and that God will fully heal Wes.  The final picture in this email is of Julie and Wes a few years ago.

Thanks again for praying.  We are very happy and very tired.  We fly home tomorrow and I plan to take most of the week off from work in order to recover.



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