Jennifer Tibbetts

Jennifer Tibbetts

$40,330 raised

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big prayer need and update on health (2)

February 1, 2023

Dear Friends,
I have so appreciated your care and prayers through this time.

In terms of the Consultation, God answered through my leadership who have graciously taken this off my plate.  My supervisor and co-worker will work together to plan the Consultation and go forward with it, with my contribution as needed.  I may or may not attend depending on my health and other circumstances.  I am thankful for this outcome and for the generosity of my co-workers.  Thank You, Jesus!

Another word of praise to God - Scott got two more piano students on January 31 and has taken on some night shifts at work (2 this week and 2 next week) to compensate for his lack of work hours.  If you would pray for strength for him working 11pm -7 am for 4 days, that would be much appreciated.

As for me, I have slept 6-7 hours (brokenly) over the past 3 out of 4 nights.  A big improvement on 2-3 hours (for 4 weeks), but still not enough.  I'm very tired.  Trying to continue to work a few hours each day.  Did some bloodwork.  Waiting on more answers - from God.  Also, I did a liver cleanse last weekend and plan to do another one in 1.5 weeks.  Trusting God will fully heal me.  This midlife time has been a challenge for me.  I hear it is for many women.

Nuansee and Awm were quite sick with flu for several weeks.  They seem to be recovering energy now.  I have been praying for the energy to go to their Cambodian village (30 minutes from me) one evening to lead a small group using Cambodian worship songs and teaching (from YouTube) in the hopes that they can continue this weekly without me and that neighbors will be influenced for Christ including Pon (who hasn't been at church in weeks - struggling with poor health).  May God provide.


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