Jennifer Tibbetts

Jennifer Tibbetts

$40,330 raised

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  • United States
  • OMF (U.S.)
  • Supported Staff
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

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Would you prayerfully consider...?

June 7, 2022

Dear Friends,

I am so grateful for your prayers.  My two speaking opportunities this past weekend went very well and seemed to be helpful to those who listened.  "I never thought about how hard it is on missionary kids to move back and forth between countries."  "I never realized that I am a TCK!"  A number of people took prayer guides to pray for TCKS.  If you would be willing to pray for TCKs just 5 minutes per day, here is a prayer guide that you can download - By the way, I recently got our OMF TCK website updated - check it out here - 

I think I have shared with you all that though I am passionate about the work of helping missionary families and kids thrive, I often find it a challenge to do this job because there is so much admin.  Recently, a young woman applied to work as my part-time Administrative Assistant.  Victoria VanAntwerp is raising support to do this position and won't be able to help me until she is financially supported.  I am delighted to share with you that God has provided my support and I am fully supplied at this time (through some of you who receive this prayer letter!)  Would you prayerfully consider supporting Victoria so that she can work with me as my Administrative Assistant?  You can support her through this link -  You can also read an Overview and an Update from Victoria as well as see some pictures of her.



PS I meant to include the attached picture of Nuansee, Awm and me on my birthday at their house :)

nuansee Orm jennifer june 2022.jpg

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