Jennifer Tibbetts

Jennifer Tibbetts

$40,330 raised

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Prayer Needed This Week

April 18, 2021

Dear Friends,

Hope you are all well!  So much turmoil in our country and world, and yet I am regularly being reminded that God is absolutely Sovereign, that we are in His hands and care, that His work will be accomplished, we do not need to fear.

This is a big week for us.  Will you pray?  Scott starts two new part-time jobs this week - as a security guard in a local neighborhood and working at a convenience store/gas station.  Please pray for his adjustment to these jobs.  (Walmart did not work out for Scott as he felt it wasn't a good fit.)

Tomorrow morning (Monday), I and a friend will meet with Katherine (our church secretary) to discuss what Katherine has read and studied about the Book of Mark using "Son of God" by Keri Folmar.  I know that she has completed at least 1 week of lessons, maybe more.  Please pray for Katherine to meet with us (she cancelled last time we scheduled to meet in January), and that it will be a fruitful discussion, leading her closer to Jesus, and giving her confidence that she can read and understand His Word.

On Wednesday morning, I will begin facilitating a women's Bible study using "Son of God" at our church.  4 women have told me that they will attend.  All seem to be strong believers.  I've asked each to pray about inviting 1-2 women who don't know Jesus or aren't biblically educated to the study.  Will you pray with me that God will lead each one as to who to invite and that God will draw those women who should come?  Someone recommended the book "Spiritual Mothering" by Susan Hunt.  I'm wondering if God is leading me into a phase of encouraging others to reach out to non-Christians as I currently don't have as much contact with them living in a missionary/Christian worker neighborhood.

Next Sunday (April 25), Scott begins facilitating a 5-6 week Adult Sunday School class at our church on "A Biblical Look at the Call to Missions".  I will be helping him.  We will show this older Ralph Winter video as well as the OMF 6 ways videos -  Also, Scott will share Scriptures for us to study together and discuss.  We hope that this class will encourage and challenge our church in missions.

Thanks much for praying!

Jennifer and Scott

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