Jennifer Tibbetts

Jennifer Tibbetts

$40,330 raised

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Needing Prayer Today for Emotional Health

May 3, 2021

Dear All,

A couple of years ago as I started through the "change of life" I noticed that my emotional spirits were much lower than usual.  In consultation with my OB/GYN, I went on an antidepressant and that seemed to really help.  In February of this year, having moved to a warmer climate with more leaves and flowers.  I decided to go off the antidepressant.

In the last few weeks, I've again felt my spirits sinking.  I'm not sure if this is hormonal.  I've also come to realize that I've been holding a lot of anxiety and fear inside - heard a Bible teacher at a Women's Event last evening talk about surrender and God has been speaking this message to me as well.  I woke up at 5 am and prayed through my anxiety and fear (perhaps from moving, life changes, job changes, Covid stress, missing my kids, etc.), and asked for God's agenda and His peace.  But I'm struggling today.  Feel rather shattered and want to hide.  Will try to work.  

I'm talking to a doctor later today to try to determine if I should return to the antidepressant.  Meanwhile, will you pray for me?  I want to be victorious, I want to have energy to do my job and care for others and share Jesus and be a light.  I know that I need to fight the spiritual battles we all need to fight.

I long for your prayers and support today.


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