Jennifer Tibbetts

Jennifer Tibbetts

$40,330 raised

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big prayer need and update on health

January 21, 2023

Dear Praying Friends,

Thank you!  So many of you wrote to tell me you were praying for my health and to offer encouragement - what a blessing!  It means so much when I am feeling low to know that the body of Christ is lifting me up.

Big prayer request:  I am supposed to be co-running a Consultation for 30-50 co-workers (TCK Advisors and CSOs) 15-19 May 2023 in Chiang Mai.  I am feeling very overwhelmed by this.  I have never done anything like it - in fact I'm not really a public speaker.  This would mean putting together and leading or finding others to lead multiple sessions on TCK issues.  I have been advised by a couple of leaders to postpone this Consultation until I feel better and to give more time to put it together.  Would you pray for me for absolute clarity this weekend as to whether I should postpone or go ahead?  And if I go ahead, how to do these sessions?  I really need a team of helpers to create and lead sessions.

The good news is that my abdomen feels much better - basically normal.  My parasite test came back negative, but I went ahead and took some medication as a number of people told me they had all the symptoms of parasites without testing positive.  I don't really know what caused my problem, but am focusing on trying to be well again.

The other good news is that I think I figured out why I crashed so hard coming back from Asia (other than from purely overdoing it and not getting enough down time).  August to October under doctor's direction, I went off a SSRI (serotonin recycler) medication that I had been on for a long time.  I think my body really needs this medication because I'm simply not making enough serotonin anymore and this deficiency caused fatigue, sleep problems, maybe digestive problems too.  So, I have gone back on the medication.  They say it takes 2 weeks to get the system stabilized - I have another week to go.  

For several nights, sleep has been better when I take a sleep aid though I wake up groggy in the morning.  Last night a supplement I had taken to help with energy caused my nerves to be on edge so that I didn't sleep at all.  So my system is rather fragile right now.  I need to get into regular sleep patterns and hopefully then my energy will return and I'll be able to function normally.

Scott is still praying for two additional piano students by January 31.  He hasn't been hired to preach for any funerals yet.  We wait on the Lord.

With much thanks for you and your willingness to pray me through,

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