Jennifer Tibbetts

Jennifer Tibbetts

$40,330 raised

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Catch up from Bangkok

November 7, 2022

Dear friends, in order to be on the Internet in Asia, I would need to pay five dollars per day and that’s just too much for this Frugal lady😀 so I am mostly relying on Wi-Fi which works fairly well and they are quite advanced in many places. But it has made it hard to figure out how to catch you all up.  When I am somewhere with Wi-Fi I am usually catching up with someone for work so there’s no time to work on a prayer letter and then when I’m traveling from one destination to another I don’t have Internet. ( and my travel time is also my downtime and try to recoup myself before the next conversation. Yes this extrovert gets tired too!!)

So today when I was traveling in Bangkok on what’s called the BTS or the skytrain, I recorded a series of videos. I have no idea if this is a good way of communicating so please do let me know what you think. I also don’t know if the videos will upload in order: there are 13 of them but many of them are pretty short. 

Link for videos:

Do let me know what you think and thank you again for all your prayers and care. Blessings, Jennifer 

PS I am in a gorgeous mall called Siam Paragon, absolutely state of the art, and they have Wi-Fi so that’s why I am able to communicate with you while the woman I am eating with is getting our dinner and giving me a little break 😀 Believe it or not we decided to go for quesadillas. Getting a little tired of rice… though I do like it

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