Jennifer Tibbetts

Jennifer Tibbetts

$40,330 raised

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Jennifer's health

January 11, 2023

Dear Friends,

Forgive me if I am writing too often.  Seems like this is a particular time when we really need prayer.  For 2.5 weeks I have been battling some kind of abdominal issue - stomach cramps, bloating, discomfort.   I was put on some medication, and it may be this medication (as well as abdominal discomfort) that set my sleep off.  For 12 days, I have slept very poorly, some nights only getting 2-3 hours sleep.  I am really struggling.  

I had a CAT scan last week and it didn't show any real problems.  I am waiting on lab tests for parasites - can take over a week to get the results - maybe by Friday?  I have only been able to work very limitedly.  Please pray for me for God to work His amazing healing in my body both for the abdominal issue and for sleep.

In good news, Scott taught 4 piano lessons yesterday!  He has another booked for next week.  There is the possibility that he will be a paid speaker at occasional Christian burial services - a man in our church is the funeral home director.  He is also in the early stages of connecting with a possible church about pastoring.

So, what is God up to in all this?

Your prayers are so appreciated,


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