Jennifer Tibbetts

Jennifer Tibbetts

$40,330 raised

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North Carolina pastorate?

April 12, 2023

Dear Friends,

Hope you are enjoying a lovely spring.  I recently put a hyacinth on the table where I work - I have so enjoyed its sweet fragrance and lovely purple flowers.  

Last evening we held the first virtual meeting with TCK Advisors on their updated job descriptions.  It seemed to go well.  Tomorrow the second group will join us virtually.  Thanks for praying!  It has been a joy to do these meetings with David who has joined the international TCK Care team part-time in the role of Educational Support Facilitator.  Education is a challenging issue for many families on the field as they wrestle with sending their kids to local schools in another language or the high cost of international schools (which may not be located close to their home) or balancing homeschooling with language learning and ministry.  David's experience as a TCK and an Educator and many years in OMF is a wonderful asset to our team.

Today I planned to meet with my team for our biweekly prayer meeting.  Turned out that both Victoria and Megan were sick and couldn't join us.  Anna is not sure that her role is a good fit, and is thinking and praying about whether she'll continue serving with our team.  So just David and I met for prayer.  Please pray that God will continue to use our team to help OMF families thrive and serve well for God's glory.

My time in Iowa with Nathan, Katelyn and Ellis was very special.  I enjoyed touring Nathan's mile long factory (John Deere) - fascinating.  One evening I babysat while Nathan and Katelyn had a special date night.  When I returned from Iowa, I was very tired.  I discovered that traveling two weekends back-to-back (North Carolina the previous weekend) is too much for me at this time.  I have been focusing on recovery over the past two weeks and feel pretty good again.  

April 18-26 I will be in Texas looking after 2 year old Graham while Matthew and Rachel go to the Dominican Republic on a trip they won through work.  My parents and Alysha will be with me for part of the time.  Will be special!  

The church in North Carolina invited Scott to candidate to be their pastor (which means he will preach on Sunday and we will be invited to meals at various church members' homes so they can get to know us).  Then they'll vote on whether they call him to be their new pastor.  Though they want us to come as soon as possible, I requested that we not go until May 5-8 so that I can have a weekend of recovery after the Texas trip - I'm learning what I can and can't do!!  Please pray for God to lead as to whether Scott should become pastor of this church.

Had an amazing time last Friday (7th) doing a small group Bible study at Nuansee (Thai) and Awm's (Cambodian) house!  Awm's son Chantu, neighbor Pon and friend Yim joined as well.  They are all Cambodian.  I'm planning to go back this Saturday (15th) to do another study in the book of Ephesians.  I've found YouTube videos of Cambodian/English worship songs and Cambodian Bible teaching.  I don't understand them, but trust the Holy Spirit to work!  After they listened to the Cambodian teaching, I explained Ephesians chapter 1 in English and Chantu translated into Cambodian.  A friend is sending me devices that play the Bible as well as Bible teaching in Thai and Cambodian.  It is my hope that Awm and Nuansee will continue to do Bible study next week when I'm in Texas, and also in the future.  Please pray that their Cambodian neighbors would join in.  There are about 20 Cambodians living around them, and Awm has 5 adult children as well as a number of grandchildren - none of them are walking with the Lord as far as I know.

Alysha is now over 16 weeks pregnant with their first child.  She continues to look for regular part-time work - not easy to come by as they live in a rural area of North Carolina (about 3 hours from the church where Scott is candidating).  Jacob's hand seems to have healed very well and he is enjoying a new job overseeing a semi truck repair shop.  Josh and Megan with Natalie and Michael are thriving in Guam.  Josh and Megan recently got certified in scuba diving and have seen some amazing sea creatures.  

Thanks for your prayers - they mean so much!  

Jennifer and Scott

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