Jennifer Tibbetts

Jennifer Tibbetts

$40,330 raised

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  • Supported Staff
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February 16, 2023

Dear Friends,

Our God is a great and awesome God and so loving and kind!  Praises be to Him!

Thankfully, with the help of a prescribed sleeping aid, I have been getting more sleep.  I am still quite tired, and praying for full healing so I can sleep without medication.  (Yes, I use melatonin as well, but it doesn't enable me to fall asleep.)  I think I basically burnt myself out over the past 2.5 years - culminating in a too busy trip to Asia (as a number of you have said to me!)  For some reason, I didn't realize that I was not planning enough rest and space during that trip.  I am learning - sometimes the hard way!!

All of my blood work came back good so I have no medical diagnosis thankfully.  I did two liver cleanses, and I think I began to sleep better as a result of the first one.  Now I'm working on rebuilding my adrenal and thyroid.  Part of my problem has been feeling very jittery as I think I've had too much cortisol in my system.

My OMF supervisor has kindly granted me one month of Compassionate Leave of Absence (like a Sabbatical) to work on healing and rest.  This starts today and ends on March 15.  During this time, I will seek the Lord about His will for me - what work/ministry He has for me in this season and how I can thrive and not burn out.  I'm not exactly sure what I will do with myself during this time, but I'm sure God will show me.

Meanwhile, Scott now has 14 piano students and has continued to work 2 night shifts per week in addition to two afternoon/evening shifts, so we are thankful for God's provision for us.  And - Scott has been interviewing with two churches (in two different States) about the possibility of becoming their pastor.  So - we'll see how God leads!

I would be glad to pray for you as you send me prayer requests and praises!




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