Jennifer Tibbetts

Jennifer Tibbetts

$40,330 raised

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Tibbetts Real-Time Prayer Request

January 3, 2021

Dear Friends,

I borrowed this subject line "Real-Time Prayer Request" from missionary friends of ours (thanks Tim and Jenny!)  We have a rather urgent prayer request for y'all and hope that you can stop and pray for a minute when you read this email.  So grateful that I can reach out to you for prayer - it makes all the difference inviting our Heavenly Father into situations, and asking Him to do battle for His Kingdom and His glory!!

As you know, I am just starting my role in working with all of OMF's 855 TCKs - third culture kids - also known as missionary kids.  In mid December Scott and I were able to share about our lives and ministries with our new community here in Bradenton - lots of retired missionaries and Christian workers.  At the end of our 30 minute presentation, we invited Adult Missionary Kids to meet together to share experiences.  We have scheduled this first meeting for Wednesday January 6 at 3 p.m.  It looks like there will be 6-10 Adult Missionary Kids joining.  Some have deep wounds from their growing up years; others look back on those years with joy.  Please pray that God will use this time for His purposes in the lives of those who gather, and that God will especially lead Scott as he facilitates this time.   (I'll be there too.)

Thanks so much - we'll let you know how it goes.  Not sure if this will be a one time thing or the first of several such meetings.

Jennifer and Scott

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