Jennifer Tibbetts

Jennifer Tibbetts

$40,330 raised

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Back to Work

March 23, 2023

Dear Friends,

I am so grateful for the sabbatical time I had.  I am feeling much better, almost back to "normal" :)  My one prayer request healthwise is that I can get back to sleeping without the prescribed sleep aid.  I have reduced the dosage, but still seem to need it to sleep

This week I returned to work on reduced hours.  It has been good to reconnect with 3 members of my staff and begin to get caught up on what needs to be done.  A big prayer request is the preparations for the combined TCK Advisor/Child Safety Officer Conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand May 15-18.  I will not be attending (at my request), but I have given input as to what I hope will be discussed and developed through the conference.  My staff member Megan is attending in my place.  Please pray that this will be a helpful time for all who attend, and that through this conference the care of missionary kids and their families will be furthered.

I would also appreciate your prayers for upcoming virtual meetings in mid April with TCK Advisors (there are about 40 of them) as we discuss updates to their job descriptions.

In other news, the door has closed to a possible pastorate in Texas as well as a promotion to a supervisor role at Scott's work.  BUT, the door has continued to open to a possible pastorate in North Carolina.  This past weekend, Scott and I were invited to visit the church by the pastoral search committee.  They paid for our plane tickets and rental car and we stayed with one of the committee members.  It was a sweet time of getting to know them.  This church once had 250 people attending, but now averages around 40 weekly attendees.  

The search committee has invited another man to visit and then after that, we should hear from them as to next steps in the pastoral candidacy process. Please pray with us for God's leading.  If He opens this door, we would be located about 3 hours from Alysha and Jacob.

As I write this, I am on a plane traveling to Dubuque, Iowa to visit Nathan, Katelyn and 6 month old Ellis.  They have just purchased their first home and are finalizing the move in process.  Hopefully, I can be a help and it will be sweet to have this time with them.

Thanks as always for your partnership,


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