Jennifer Tibbetts

Jennifer Tibbetts

$40,330 raised

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quick prayer requests

February 1, 2021

Dear Friends,

I am talking with a friend who needs God's help.  Would you pray for me to be used of the Holy Spirit in that conversation?  I long to see transformation, but am so aware that though I long to, I can not fix this situation - only God can do that!

Loved meeting my new grandson - picture attached.  What a sweetie and a gift from God.  Dad and mom are doing great.  Mom Rachel is still healing from a rather rough delivery.  Please pray for her.  And Dad Matthew is getting back to his job today after taking the first 1.5 weeks to enjoy baby and help with his newborn care.

I visited Thai church for the 3rd week in a row yesterday. My friend Nuansee really seems to be settling in there.  She has brought Thai food to share the last 2 weeks, which is appreciated by the church members.  Please pray for her growth in the Lord.  

It has been such a joy to get to know the Thai church members. Would you pray for Pearl, New, Fish, Sand, Well and Jessie who are all struggling with gender identity?  This is not unusual as there is so much sexual trauma in Thailand.  I long for them to find true healing in Jesus.  Fish and New are reading Bondage Breaker by Neil Anderson at my recommendation.  I pray God works through this for them to find Freedom in Christ.

On another note, I need God's help with my new role as so much of it is on the computer.  I thrive in person-to-person work.  I believe that is how God made me.  I am struggling with many Zoom meetings and pecking away at email and projects on my computer.

Thanks much,

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