Jennifer Tibbetts

Jennifer Tibbetts

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I have been appointed as IFTS!

July 25, 2020

Dear Friends,

I was very excited this past week to receive an email from our International Center in Singapore that read, "After consultation with the International Leadership Team, I am very pleased to announce the initial two year appointment of Jennifer Tibbetts to the position of International Facilitator for TCK Services (IFTS)."  It also said, "This appointment is for an initial 2 year term and will officially start January 1, 2021, as Jennifer is presently assisting the US Homeside with their leadership transition in the Personnel department. She will start to connect with people about aspects of the role from the beginning of August 2020 and will begin working on some IFTS projects as time permits."

I'm thankful to see this confirmation of the Lord's leading into this new season of ministry and opportunity for service, and I very much long for your prayers in the time of transition as I hand over my current responsibilities in the US Personnel department and as I start on the learning curve of my new role.  

I'll need some additional financial support and continued prayer support to do this new role.  Please pray for God's provision.  He has always been so faithful, and I know He will be again!  I will need some "guinea pigs" to listen as I practice sharing my presentation about this new role and asking listeners to seek God as to how they are being called to partner with me in serving the Lord in this way.  If you'd be willing to be a "guinea pig" listener, please let me know.  I don't think I'll have time to get started on my presentation for a few weeks, but it would be great to know who I can practice it with initially!!

Meanwhile, so much is going on.  Unexpectedly, I traveled to upstate New York from July 3-16 to help Scott's dad Mike care for his mom Becky who has advanced dementia.  This was a very hard time partially because I had not realized how far the disease had progressed.  Once I was there, we began working on interviewing potential caregivers as the load had gotten too big for Mike.  Becky has also begun receiving hospice care because she stopped eating and is only taking very small amounts of liquid.  How we long for Scott's parents to know Jesus and to have His help and peace in this difficult time.

I left upstate New York to join my parents and Alysha to visit Nathan July 16-20 in Dubuque, Iowa.  Nathan turned 24 while we were there and it was special to celebrate his birthday with him as we haven't gotten to do that in awhile.  We had a special paddleboat trip on the Mississippi and saw a lock and dam, as well spent some time getting to know Nathan's housemate and two sweet Christian families who have "adopted" Nathan.  We also enjoyed visiting his church which was just opening up that Sunday to in-person services.  

Then this past Thursday, Scott flew to New York to be with his mom in her final days and to support his dad and family.  Please pray for Scott to have strength and wisdom and to breathe Jesus' love to his family.  Please also pray for our church to press on without our pastor here.

Tomorrow I leave for Colorado Springs to be part of HART - Home Assignment Reunion and Training - which goes through Friday July 31.  Eighteen missionaries with their six children will be joining us for debrief, reconnecting with our US team and sharing what God is doing in and through their lives and ministries in Asia.  I will have a lot of responsibilities in running Zoom, meeting with missionaries about their financial support, and providing logistics support.  We are meeting at a conference center to make it easier to meet Covid restrictions.  Please pray that this will be an encouraging time for our missionaries and that we staff will be a good support to the workers as their "home team".

I was very thankful that I was able to meet with my morning Bible study ladies by Zoom when I was in New York.  It is wonderful to see them continue to study the Book of Mark and apply it to their lives.  Please keep Moya, Bev, Julie and Marlene in your prayers.  Claire and Tasha met with me in person this past Tuesday evening to continue Bible study.  How I long for these 6 ladies to be rooted and grounded in the Word and in their relationships with Jesus Christ!

Today Alysha is visiting her horse Cinnamon at her new home!  Thankfully, Alysha sold her horse and she feels comfortable that the new owners will love Cinnamon and care for her well.  This Thursday July 30, Alysha will have surgery to remove two screws from her leg.  Please pray that will heal well.

Please let me know how to pray for you.  

Jennifer, Scott and family

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