Jennifer Tibbetts

Jennifer Tibbetts

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How the Thai care group meeting went

January 11, 2021


Dear Friends,

What an incredible blessing to write to you and know that you are praying.  God is at work!  It was wonderful to take Nuansee (age 70 - pictured here with me) to the Thai care group on Saturday.  Attached is a short video of the care group singing in praise to God.  Thought you might enjoy!

Six adults plus Nuansee and me met to sing, read, discuss and apply Matthew 26:69-75, and then pray.  It was wonderful to have these folks accommodate Nuansee as she is quite deaf so they had to shout to her.  They explained things in Thai so much better than I can!  At the end, I asked them to explain the gospel to her and they did.  She understands the basics pretty well and seems to be a believer.  

Nuansee tries to read the Bible every evening, but because she doesn't have much education and all words in the Thai Bible that refer to God use a "high language" used for referring to Thai royalty, it is not easy for her to understand.  (If we were to talk about God/Jesus like this in English we might say Jesus doesn't "eat", he "imbibes" food.  He doesn't "say" things, he "articulates" or "verbalizes".)  Other struggles are all the "foreign vocabulary" in the Bible.  During our study on Saturday, Nuansee wanted to know if Judas is the name of a person or a place and what Galilee and Nazareth are - people or places or...?  Wonderful to have Thai people to help explain these things to her.

I plan to take Nuansee to the Thai church meeting in Bradenton on Saturday and hope she can attend regularly.  Was so thankful that she could make the drive on Saturday as she took her old truck the 30 minute drive to St. Petersburg (and I followed in my car) because her truck needs repairs and a family friend in St. Petersburg will repair it for her.  God took care of us and we returned safely.

I was so thankful to see that God is drawing Thai people to Himself right here in Florida.  Four of the members of the Thai care group have come to Christ in the past 3 years!  (The other two are the Thai pastor and his wife who were instrumental in leading these folks to the Lord.)  My brain was so tired after thinking in Thai for 3 hours that I switched to English for the last hour and the care group members were sweet to talk to me in English :)  I have to get used to conversing in Thai again.  There was little opportunity for that in Colorado.

Thanks for praying.  Let me know how to pray for you,



On Sat, Jan 9, 2021 at 10:17 AM Scott and Jennifer Tibbetts <> wrote:

Dear all, a friend introduced me to a Thai woman named Nuansee. I am leaving my house now to take Nuansee to a Thai care group meeting in St Petersburg, part of a Thai Church in Bradenton. Please pray for God to work in Nuansee as  she grows in her knowledge of God. I believe she is a Christian but is very new in her knowledge and understanding. Also for God's blessing on this Care Group as they hope to start a Thai Church in St Petersburg in the future. Thanks for praying, Jennifer

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